June 24, 2006
Please enjoy this web site free of advertisements and agendas.
As webmaster and founder of this web site, I've spent literally thousands of hours of my free personal time producing KUMEYAAY.INFO (my hobby website) to bring you new and original content and links that hopefully have you surfing the web like a pro, and learning about California's indigenous peoples.
As always I ask for your FEEDBACK to improve this website and its content for accuracy I welcome your active participation on any level:
- • No matter your level, KUMEYAAY.INFO welcomes your help in developing all areas of our site.
- • We have room for you to play and can even host a small site for you on the KUMEYAAY.INFO server.
- • If you've got ideas and motivation, but lack the experience or the space to put your ideas on the internet, let our volunteers help publish you on KUMEYAAY.INFO (subject to review, space, time...).
- • All material will be reviewed for content and must have some cultural or common relevance to the Kumeyaay Nation, the Native American Indian Indigenous Peoples of California.
Six months ago, I posted a link here for visitors to make monetary contributions in support of KUMEYAAY.INFO to start a functioning organization. After six months and no contributions or inquiries, I removed the request.
For interested parties, I am currently keeping KUMEYAAY.INFO Site Statistics and a Kumeyaay Blog posted.
