A list of approved books that a Kumeyaay panel deem culturally accurate in describing the Kumeyaay people and their history in Southern California.
The Kumeyaay Nation top 10 approved Kumeyaay books are required reading for information about the Kumeyaay Indian people history, culture and head this list in WHITE:
By Paul Douglas Campbell
Paul Douglas Campbell, Publisher, December 2007
Just released, REVIEW and BUY this book.
Wholesale and retail orders, ships in 24 hours.
KUMEYAAY: A HISTORY TEXTBOOK, Vol 1, Precontact to 1893
by Michael Connolly Miskwish, Campo Kumeyaay Nation
Sycuan Press, 2006
Paperback, 173 pages, contains extensive original illustrations, maps, timelines, including detailed written articles about Kumeyaay historical facts and culture of the Kumeyaay-Diegueño Nation in Southern California....BUY at Kumeyaay Community College and Sycuan Education Department, and Sycuan Tribal Office (619) 445-6917
by Michael Connolly Miskwish, Campo Kumeyaay Nation
Sycuan Press, 2006
Accompanied by historical photos, contemporary photography of present-day tribal members and their activities, maps and drawings, Miskwish's text lays out an alternative, largely unchartered history that will be unfamiliar to most San Diegans, American Indian or not....REVIEW by San Diego Union-Tribune...BUY at U.S. Grant Hotel, Sycuan Casino, and Sycuan Tribal Office (619) 445-6917
PAGANS PROMISED LAND • Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery By Steven T. Newcomb, Steve Newcomb
Fulcrum Publishing, 2008
BEST SELLER: Native American, and Human Rights titles
Just released, REVIEW and BUY this book.
Edited by Rupert Costo and Jeannette Henry Costo
Indian Historical Press, 1984
For two hundred years the native people of California have borne the stigma of "Mission Indians." The names of their nations and tribes are Hupa, Kumeyaay, Chuilla, Pauma, Malki, Cupa and Pamo to name a few. This book was born out of necessity to have the truth known in the context of the project for Father Junipero Serra's canonization...to get the truth before the public, to set the record straight....REVIEW by kumeyaay.com...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian bookstore
by Dr. Florence Connolly Shipek
Ballena Press, 1991
With simple elegance the story of a Kumeyaay woman from the San Diego region engulfs the reader, until we feel as though we are sitting at the feet of some great-aunt or grandmother as she tries to pass onto us something of worth from her life. As though her existence among us was not enough. Elders benefit us all. If we stop to listen we may be enriched beyond our wildest dreams...REVIEW by kumeyaay.com...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup California Indian book store
PUSHED INTO THE ROCKS, Southern Indian Land Tenure, 1769-1986
by Dr. Florence Shipek
Viejas Band of Mission Indians, 1986
Dr. Florence Shipek Ph.D. offers the results of her thirty years of research and testimony as an expert witness for the Indians struggling to regain and maintain control of their land. In tracing the historical ownership and use patterns, Shipek illustrates how a case is made. Her major concerns are to establish what the "tribal custom" is and to offer a practical guide to tribes and consultants involved in land-use planning or litigation...REVIEW by kumeyaay.com...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup
by Melicent Lee
San Diego Museum of Man, 1978
A book that is both fine adventure and ethnographically accurate. Melicent Lee's association with the Kumeyaay Indians of Southern California brought her not only their friendship but a wealth of information. It is this knowledge...REVIEW by kumeyaay.com...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store in Old Town San Diego State Historical Park
by Jack D. Forbes Naturegraph Publishers, 1969
Realistic account of white-Indian relations and history in California and Nevada. Many white-oriented and prejudiced accounts of the past have built up a number of erroneous beliefs about California-Nevada Indians that need to be dispelled. Dr. Forbes does this job in splendid style and with a convincing marshalling of the facts...REVIEW by kumeyaay.com...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store in San Diego CA
INDIANS FRANCISCANS AND SPANISH COLONIZATION, The Impact of the Mission System on California Indians
by Robert H. Jackson and Edward Castillo
University of New Mexico Press 1995
This ethnohistory examines Indian life in the 21 missions Franciscans established in Alta California. In describing how the missions functioned between 1769 and 1848, the authors draw on previously unused sources to analyze change and continuity in Indian material culture and religious practices...REVIEW by kumeyaay.com...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup
by James J. Rawls
University of Oklahoma Press, Norman and London 1984
Dr. Rawls has written a remarkable book. He has addressed a very significant problem, applying rigorous method and a broad philosophical approach not only to a problem within California's written history, but to a problem in the history of many cultures and their relations with others...REVIEW by kumeyaay.com...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store in San Diego County
by Richard L. Carrico
Sierra Oaks Publishing Company 1987
Richard L. Carrico is a professor of American Indian Studies at San Diego State University. He is a specialist in California Indian history and the archaeology of this rich culture...REVIEW by kumeyaay.com...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian books store
by Rupert Costo and Jeannette Henry Costo
Indian Historical Press 1984
This book deals with the Native American Indian in the region we now call California, starting with the period before the onslaught of White contact. It continues to the destruction of our society by the Spaniards and Mexicans, and the open and unabashed genocide practiced by the United States and the State of California, the most blatant example being the holocaust bred by the Gold Rush...REVIEW by kumeyaay.com...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
by Dolan H. Eargle Jr.
Trees Company Press 1992
The first part of the book is a history of the Indian peoples of the state, liberally supplemented with commentary on Native American art, architecture, sacred places, music, food, ecology and other subjects. It is followed by a guide to (and description of) the more than 100 California reservations and dedicated Indian lands that comprise some of the most spectacular and lovely, unknown parts of California...REVIEW by kumeyaay.com...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup California Indian store
by William Duncan Strong
Malki Museum Press, Morongo Indian Reservation, 1987
The following pages represent the partial gleaning of a field whose full harvest might only have been gathered (two) centuries ago. The forced segregation of the Indian into the missions of Southern California inaugurated a process destined to wipe out nearly all trace of aboriginal Californian culture in the region of its highest development...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
by Barbara A. Gray-Kanatiiosh
ABDO Publishing Company, 2006
WHERE THEY LIVED: The Kumeyaay (KOO-mee-eye) homelands were located in Southern California. Tribal territory included present-day Imperial and San Diego counties. The area also stretched into Mexico. Neighboring tribes included the Cahuilla, Gabrielino, Luiseño, and Cupeño...
Cover Photo by GARY BALLARD, model ALEXIS TUCKER, Sycuan Kumeyaay
by Roberta Labastida
Sunbelt Publications, California, Barona Band of Mission Indians, 2004
Cover and inside illustrations drawn from photos of Danika Cuero, Campo Kumeyaay
BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Native American gift shop in San Diego County
NATIVE CALIFORNIANS, A Theoretical Retrospective,
Edited by Lowell John Bean and Thomas C. Blackburn
Ballena Press, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1976
Anthropologists are finally coming to a realization that cultural development in California was extraordinarily rich and complex despite what would appear to have been the limitations of the Native economic system...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup California Indian store
NATIVE WAYS, California Indian Stories and Memories
Edited by Malcolm Margolin and Yolanda Montijo
Heyday Books, 1995 (Children Books)
Every summer at Point Reyes National Seashore, just north of San Francisco Bay, there is an Indian celebration at a place called "Kule Loklo." Indian people from all over come together to dance, eat and see family and friends. In the shade of tall trees...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup California Indian store
MODOC, The Tribe That Wouldn't Die
by Cheewa James
Naturegraph Publishers; First edition (July 1, 2008)
Cheewa James, a direct Modoc descendant, offers in MODOC: The Tribe That Wouldn t Die an explosive and personal story of her ancestry. A decade of steady research and writing has produced a richly documented, deeply moving narrative. The book also contains 30 fictionalized vignettes.
by Brian Bibby
Crocher Art Museum, Heyday Books, Berkeley, 1996
Before the coming of the Europeans, indigenous California was one of the most culturally diverse regions of the world. Some 500 autonomous communities speaking as many as 80 mutually unintelligible languages made their homes throughout the varied landscapes of the region... BUY at Shumup Ko Hup California Indian gift shop
by Justin Farmer
Justin Farmer Foundation, 2005
A study of 76 Luiseño baskets in the Riverside Municipal Museum Collection...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup California Native American store
FLUTES OF FIRE, Essays on California Indian Languages
by Leanne Hinton
Heyday Books, Berkeley, 1994
The continued existence of about 50 Native California languages, with their alternately rollicking and beautiful linguistic creativity as characterized in the following essays, is an indication of the great cultural strength of California Indian communities...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store in San Diego County
by Paul D. Campbell
Gibbs Smith 1999
Features living San Diego area Native American California Indigenous people and details their traditional hunting, weapons and aboriginal survival methods...BUY at link.
THE DIRT IS RED HERE, Art and Poetry From Native California
Edited by Margaret Dublin
Heyday Books. Berkeley, 2002
The little known California Indian tribes with names like Konkow, Karuk, Nomtipom, Luiseño, Atsugewi, and Acjachmem are able to transport one into marvelous dreams of atavistic worlds. This book gives us access to ways in which their tribal descendants echo and give expression to these noble cultural traditions - Wayne Thiebaud, painter...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
CHINIGCHINICH, Classics in California Anthropology,
Father Geronimo Boscana
The Malki Museum Press, Morongo Indian Reservation, 2005
Originally published in paris, France, 1848
Historical account of the Belief, Usages, Customs, and Extravagancies of the Indians of this Mission of San Juan Capistrano called the Acagchemem Tribe...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup California Indian store
ISILL HEQWAS WAXISH, A Dried Coyote's Tail,
by Katherine Siva Sauvel and Eric Elliott
Malki Museum Press, 2004
The primary author of these texts is Cahuilla elder Katherine Siva Sauvel. Born in the year 1920 to Cahuilla speaking parents at Pachawal pa, known in English as the Los Coyotes Indian Reservation, Mrs. Sauvel spent the first years of her life high up in the mountains above Warner Springs, up where only Cahuilla was spoken...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup California Indian store
Traditional American Indian Music
The Quechan and Mohave people are known as first cousins since time immemorial. We believe we were created at Avi Kwa Me Spirit Mountain...BUY at LISTEN at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
ARIES RIBERENOS, Cantos Cucapas de Sonora,
Conaculta Culturas Populares E Indigenas, 2003
Songs, music, bird singing of Indigenous Cocopah Cucapah people of Mexico.
BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
Canyon Records Productions, 1996
Keith Mahone sings a variety of traditional Hualapai songs including the bird dance songs, salt songs, circle and ghost dance songs.
BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
Arthur M. Silva, William C. Cain, Annotators; Dolores L. Schiffert, Editor
Cypress College Fine Arts Gallery, 1976
Nowhere in the wide realm of American Indian basketry is there greater diversity, challenge and magnificence than in California. The very words "California Indian Basketry" bring before one's mind a dazzling profusion of styles and conjure up images of spectacular contrast...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
CAVE PAINTINGS OF CALIFORNIA, Discovering the Great Murals of an Unknown People
by Harry W. Crosby
Sunbelt Publications
This full-color account...depicts the author's discovery and documentation of a world-class archaeological region in remote central Baja California. The paintings were unveiled to the modern world in the 1960s by adventure writer Erle Stanley Gardner in conjunction with a comprehensive study by Dr. Clement Meighan of UCLA...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
CHUMASH, A Picture of Their World
by Bruce W. Miller
Sand River Press, 1988
For thousands of years the Chumash Indians occupied the Central California coast, making their villages along the shoreline and in the back country of the coastal mountain ranges...The day is hot. Summer dust covers the trail and kicks up under your feet as you pass. At the side of the trail the chia sage has finally lost its bloom. Dry blue flowers litter the ground beneath the bush...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
by Gary S. Breschini and Trudy Haversat
Coyote Press, 2004
The Esselen Indians were the first inhabitants of the Big Sur country. Among California Indian groups, the Esselen were one of the least numerous and remain one of the least known. They are often cited as the first California group to become culturally extinct...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Calif Indian store
FADING IMAGES, Indian Pictographs of Western Riverside County
by Gerald A. Smith and Steven M. Freers
Riverside Museum Press, 1994
Western Riverside County contains many prehistoric pictographs created by the Indians whose ancestors were the first immigrants to come to North America...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup CA Indian store
by Frank F. Latta
Coyote Press, Brewer's Historical Press, 1936
California Indians Folklore is a fascinating book, well written, and full of interesting first hand lore of California's Yokuts Indians. It is because Frank Latta was able to interview the last of the old tribal leaders that this book exists...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
by Bruce W. Miller
Sand River Press, 1991
A popular account of the lifeways and artifacts of the Native Americans of the Los Angeles Basin. The Gabrieliño occupied much of the Los Angeles Basin for several thousand years. They lived on the high ground in the shelter of oak trees, on the open coastal plain, and the seashore in scattered villages along the coast, north to Topanga Canyon and south to Laguna Beach...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
THE LIGHTNING STICK, Arrows, Wounds and Indian Legends
by H. Henrietta Stockel
University of Nevada Press, 1995
More than a simple history of the bow and arrow, The lightning Strike brings together a broad range of significant people and events, spiritual usages, medicinal treatments, and an unusual array of subject matter related to the weapon itself...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
HER MIND MADE UP, Weaving Caps the Indian Way BDT
by Ron Johnson and Coleen Kelley Marks
Humboldt State University, 1998
Native American basket hats, basket weavers of Yurok, Karuk, Hupa, Wiyot, Tolowa nations...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
MOJAVE POTTERY, MOJAVE PEOPLE, The Dillingham Collection of Mojave Ceramics
by Jill Leslie Furst, photography by Peter T. Furst
School of American Research press, 2001
The Dillingham Collection of Mojave pottery...gathered over many years by artist Rick Dillingham and bequeathed to the School of American Research in 1994, it is one of the largest and most complete Mojave assemblages in the world...Mojave creation stories...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
PRECIOUS CARGO, California Indian Cradle Baskets and Childbirth Traditions
by Brian Bibby, essay by Craig D. Bates
Heyday Books, 2004
Time-tested and perfected over centuries of use, the cradle basket is the ultimate baby carrier...Precious Cargo includes full-color photographs of specially commissioned baskets from 20 of California's tribes - from the heavily forested northwest to the deserts of the south - as well as historic photos, interviews with weavers, and details of how these sturdy and lovingly constructed baskets are created...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
by Charlotte Bringle Clarke
University of California Press, Berkeley, 1977
Both American Indians and the pioneers knew and used many different plant species for food, fibers, medicine, tools, and other purposes...includes food recipes cook book...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
VOICES OF THE FLUTE, Songs of Three Southern California Indian Nations by Ernest H. Siva
Ushkana Press, 2004
Book and flute music CD, The little lizard, in order to find out what was going on in the world, would play the flute. And the coyote, in order to take it in, would cock his ear, as told by Fernando Librado to John P. Harrington (Harrington 1942)...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Native American gift shop in San Diego County
by Ruth Farrell Almstedt
San Diego Museum of Man, 1977
Baja California maps road maps, Mexico's Land of Adventure Detailed Topographic Maps, Mapas Topograficos Detallados, "the Perfect Guide for Traveling the Peninsula" Fishing, Off-roading, Dirt Biking, Camping, Kayaking, Surfing, Backpacking, Hiking, Real Estate, Exploring, Board Sailing...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Kumeyaay Indian store
by A.L. Kroeber
Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1976
With 419 illustrations and 40 maps...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
MISSION, The Birth of California, The Death of a Nation
by Margaret Wyman
Idyllwild Publishing Company, 2002
At precisely the same time the United States are winning their freedom, California's people of color are losing theirs. Mission is the story of Web, a young Kumeyaay Indian bride whose life and dreams are shattered when the Spanish padres and army leatherjackets invade Southern California...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
GRASS GAMES & MOON RACES, California Indian Games and Toys
by Jeannine Gendar
Heyday Books, Berkeley, California, 1995
With dozens of photos, illustrations, personal accounts, stories, and myths, Grass Games and Moon Races introduces not just the games, but the remarkable people who have been playing them for centuries...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Kumeyaay store
by Bruce M. Pavlik, Pamela C. Muick, Sharon G. Johnson, Majorie Popper
Cachuma Press, 1991
Oaks of California, the first book ever devoted to the state's native oaks, celebrates the unique place of these trees in California's natural and cultural heritage...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
TEMALPAKH (from the Earth), Cahuilla Indian Knowledge and Usage of Plants
by Lowell John Bean and Katherine Siva Saubel
Malki Museum Press, 1972
The territory occupied by the Cahuilla is unusual geographically in its great variety of topography, climatic conditions, and biological life zones. These circumstances directly influences the nature of the plant community upon which the Cahuilla depended for subsistence...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
TIPAI ETHNOGRAPHIC NOTES, A Baja California Indian Community at Mid-Century
by William D. Hohenthal, Jr.
Ballena Press, Institute for Regional Studies of the Californias, 2001
Tipai Ethnographic Notes is a salvaged treasure. It is a rich trove of ethnographic details - native toponyms, kin terms, ancient enmities, and traditional material culture - as experienced and remembered by the Tipai, a nearly forgotten people of Baja California....BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
by Villiana Hyde
Malki Museum Press,1971
It would be difficult to imagine a topic that has been subject to more misconceptions, false information, and unfounded theorizing than the languages of the American Indian. The principal language expert is Mrs. Villiana Hyde of the Rincon Indian Reservation in San Diego County, who has been aided by her brothers Alex and Raymond Calac...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup California Indian store
by Eva Slater
Over thousands of years American Indian tribes used what nature offered to express themselves. In the process basic materials such as shells, feathers, grasses, and shoots were transformed into compelling and diverse forms of art. In the Far West, and most notably in California, it was the creation of baskets which provided the opportunity for artistic expression...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
LANDS OF PROMISE AND DESPAIR, Chronicles of Early California 1535-1846
Edited by Rose Marie Beebe and Robert M. Senkewicz
Santa Clara University, Heyday Books, 2001
While the last 150 years of California history, from the gold rush to the present, have been well researched and described in hundreds of books, the previous three centuries - from the first explorations of Baja California in 1533 to the Mexican-American War of 1846 - are either ignored or entirely distorted by myth... -James J. Rails, author of Indians of California: The changing Image...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
THE FIRST ANGELENOS, The Gabrielino Indians of Los Angeles
by William McCawley
Malki Museum Press, Ballena press, 1996
The crowded landscape of Los Angeles holds an ancient story. It is the story of the brave and resourceful Indian peoples once inhabited the spacious valleys and plains of Los Angeles and Orange counties in Southern at Shumup Ko Hup California Native American store
BEFORE THE WILDERNESS, Environmental Management by Native Californians
Compiled and edited by Thomas C. Blackburn and Kat Anderson
Ballena Press Publication, 1993
The explorers, the gold seekers, and the settlers who arrived in California in the mid19th century saw California as a wilderness unmodified by the Indians who lived in it the authors of this book tell a different story ...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
by Ruth Farrell Almstedt
San Diego Museum of Man, 1977
Diegueño curing practices...American Indian healing practices are of wide interest for several reasons...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store WEBSITE HOWKA.COM
THE CENSUS OF 1790, A Demographic History of Colonial California
by William Marvin Mason
Ballena Press Book, 1998
The Census of 1790 offers data that refute the long-held myth of Spanish purity in the social and cultural roots of our state. It will serve as a valuable resource and guide for scholars, students, and others interested California and the west in the 18th century, 1800s. -William Estrada, Curator, El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Indian store
by C.L. Moser
Riverside Museum Press, 1993
Catalog for the exhibition "Coils in Time: and Their Baskets" at the Riverside...BUY at Shumup Ko Hup Native American Indian store