Researching Native America Indian Ancestry:
One of the most common questions we get from our visitors is how to trace our Indian ancestors and/or how to get enrolled with a federally-recognized American Indian tribe off or on an Indian reservation in the United States.
BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS (BIA) is an informative official US government resource for Native American Indian genealogy
US DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) FREE PDF GUIDE DOWNLOAD covers general information about GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH the TRIBAL ENROLLMENT PROCESS the BENEFITS & SERVICES PROVIDED TO AMERICAN INDIANS & ALASKA NATIVES the CHEROKEE INDIAN ANCESTRY information about and online copies of the DAWES ROLLS, and a TRIBAL LEADERS DIRECTORY DOWNLOAD PDF for information about how to contact tribal offices in North America (telephones, addresses, reservations, websites, statistics, ect.).

ACCESS GENEALOGY Web site is specialized in Native American Indian genealogy research and information about North American Indian tribes, including DNA databases, records, rolls make sure you see their "Where to Start" articles designed to assist beginning researchers near the page bottom of the Access Genealogy link.

- We all grow up with the weight of history on us. Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies.
- Shirley Abbott (1934-)
KUMEYAAY.INFO provides an index of service providers in Southern California area to provide invormation about social services available to Native American Indians in the greater San Diego County area. Among these top service providers, you will learn how to find and apply for medical, health and wellness services for California Indians living in both urban and reservation areas, including tribal TANF providers.

SAN DIEGO COUNTY INDIAN COMMUNITY Web portal. Meet your Southern California reservation and urban Indian neighbors, professional pictures, news, events blogs.
NATIVE AMERICAN GRAVES AND REPATRIATION ACT (PDF DOWNLOAD) the complete text document from the National Park Service, US Dept. of the Interior.