BUFFALO SAGE what is buffalo sage? Facts, professional pictures and factual information about Native American history of North American indigenous buffalo sage, aka WHITE SAGE, California Sage, Salvia apiana, as it pertains to.... William "Billy" Brady, an expert on California indigenous plants and herbs, including farming, gardening, harvesting and preparing California sage for sale, bulk wholesale commercial resale and retail sales of buffalosage. Native American expert Billy Brady, North American Métis. Last Natural Growing California Sage FieldThe undisclosed giant California White Sage field pictured is one of the last remaining wild natural-growing sage fields in Southern California. NATURAL CALIFORNIA WHITE SAGE FIELD: Over 500 acres! When this huge natural-growing sage field was photographed in 2006 -- it was estimated to be over 500 acres big -- it is full of this extreme indigenous California plant activity. Billy Brady www.buffalosage.ca estimated that when he was born 50 years ago, that this natural sage field encompassed about 15-square miles of natural pristine sage fields as pictured with this extreme indigenous plant activity carpeting the area. William "Billy" Brady, an expert on California Sage, is pictured during an interview with his foreman during a multimedia documentary video he is producing about white California sage in Southern California, northwestern Baja California, Mexico. Information/conditions about how Calif sage can exist in this extreme state...and how easy it can be destroyed lost forever... Statistics on current world-wide use of sage... What you have witnessed in the past 20 years or your lifetime... NATURAL CALIFORNIA BIOSPHEREThis massive wild sage growing area brings all the natural elements in line to provide rare and ideal growing conditions, a perfect biosphere for growing sage: DECOMPOSING GRANITE mountain provides essential minerals -- silica, calcium, feldspar -- and texture in the soil ALLUVIAL SLOPE at ideal angle for drainage and soil activity SOUTH FACING SUN WATER RIVERSIDIAN SAGE ECOSYSTEM provides ideal temperature and humidity POLLINATORS bees, moths... |
COMMERCIAL SAGE FARMINGMultimedia... Future... History... Responsibility... Politics of Native Americans |
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