This large high-resolution montage of Kumeyaay Indigenous basket weavers is an original poster art by photojournalist GARY G. BALLARD.
Size: 24x48" (5,760 x 11,520 pixels
Medium: 8-color archival Epson 7880 ink
Mounted: Black Gator board
Framed: Available
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KUMEYAAY DOCUMENTARIES Indigenous peoples of California Native American Indian documentary series features the Kumeyaay traditional coiled basketry of the SAN JOSE DE LA ZORRA Kumeyaay Indian village, Baja California, Mexico. Showcases the professional photography and journalistic documentation and tours village inhabitants Indigenous lifestyles in the tribal ejidos of Baja, environmental portraits, habitations and pictures of their traditional California Native American arts and crafts. Los indios indígenas de las fotos documentales de la forma de vida del photojournalism de México representan películas.

CALIFORNIA INDIAN MISSIONBASKETS Kumeyaay juncus basketry, basket makers, basket weaving photos pictures of museume-grade historical Indian baskets. Large antique artifacts relics and contemporary California Indian basket so-called mission baskets sections featuring private historical basket collections and the Indigenous Southern California basket artists of San Diego and northern Baja California, Mexico, including Indigenous lifestyle documentaries and information to buy and sell fine Native American California basketry.