LA HUERTA Kumeyaay Indigenous Lands
SCROLL picture to right ------------>>>>>>>>
The indigenous picture shows natural growing wild Indian WILLOW trees and COTTONWOOD trees grove
along a natural mountain stream. Both cottonwood and willow trees have lost their leaves in this winter landscape photo and the area is quite dry from lack of normal winter rains.

INDIGENOUS PLANT PHOTOS Southern California Ethnobotany Plant Guide professional hihg-resolution pictures gallery of the plants and herbs
used by indigenous Native American California Indian tribes of southwestern Southern California, features California white sage used in ceremony,
yucca used for fiber and lotions, buckwheat used for medicinal teas, natural willow and juncus uses for California Indian basketweaving.
Large high resolution panoramic picture image landscape of rural La Huerta, Kumeyaay Indigenous land Indian rancho.
Photos/Page/Design: GARY BALLARD