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CALIFORNIA INDIAN ARTIFACTSWELCOME to the Indigenous Peoples of California Artifacts Museum of photographic exhibits featuring the authentic Shoshonean and Yuman cultural relics, artifacts of northern and Southern California Indian tribes of North America, northwest Baja California, Mexico, southwest USA, including greater San Diego County coastal, mountain, river and desert areas. The KUMEYAAY.INFO on-line museum picture gallery of rare, old, vintage and ancient California cultural artifacts is a difficult project because archeologists, museum curators and pot hunters have been digging in the ground, scouring the countryside and collecting these ancient tribal treasures for more than a century (and in many cases do not allow access of their property). COASTAL ARTIFACTS In addition to the weekend and serious collectors who are searching and stripping the known Indigenous sites of their priceless cultural history the problem continues over time when a tourist takes an arrowhead from an Indian site, and when scuba divers scavenge underwater Indigenous sites clean (as highlighted in the following SD Union-Tribune story):
PRESERVATION RESPONSIBILITY RESPECT The Indigenous California peoples "Native Americans" have occupied Southern California, the West Coast, the greater San Diego County area for more than 12,000 years this means the ground and coastal waters still hold these lost archeological treasures of Pre-Contact California history. San Diego County's famous first nation is not limited to the Kumeyaay California Indians. In fact, there are four surviving Indigenous tribal nations in San Diego whose cultural artifacts are in the local area, including the Kumeyaay-Diegueño, the Luiseño, the Cupeño, and the Cahuilla Indians. Further, California currently has the second largest living Native American population in the United States, including over 100 federally-recognized California Indian tribes with names like Wappo, Vanyume, Tolowa, Yurok, Kawaiisu, Wintu, Achomawi, Chumash, Gabrielino, Hupa, Karuk, Maidu, Pomo, Tubatulabal, Quechan, Serrano, Pai-Pai, Washoe,Yokuts, Serrano, Mojave, Juaneno, Cahto, Shasta, Wailaki, Shasta, Salinan, Koso, Wiyot, Paiute, Shoshoni, Washoe Indians. AMNESTY Donate to Tribal Cultural Museums Please contact a responsible tribal museum like the BARONA CULTURAL CENTER and MUSEUM or AGUA CALIENTE CULTURAL MUSEUM for instructions, information and places where how to donate authenticate turnover sell return give back these irreplaceable historic artifacts, pottery, baskets, stone tools, arrow heads, bows and arrows, war clubs, obsidian blades, clothing, shells, grinding stones, primitive weaponry.... PHOTO ACCESS NEEDED:
This effort is similar to what KUMEYAAY.INFO is producing on California tribal genealogy and family historical picture museums on California Indian basketry and Native American pottery museums:
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