This beautiful masterpiece California Native American Kumeyaay Indian basket, a unique North American Kumeyaay tribal basket weaving masterpiece artwork, measures over 35 inches in diameter, and was handweaved (2003-2005) by EVA SALAZAR, a beautiful San Diego Kumeyaay female tribal weaver master basket artist from San Jose de la Zorra, Baja California, Mexico, who now lives in San Diego County.
The large master-piece basket includes dual rattlesnakes with diamond shaped snake body patterns, two ancient pictrograph petroglyph Yuman female figures with intricate tribal design motifs for a most impressive display of unique North American aboriginal art.
Eva Salazar started making the basket masterpiece in October 2003 and finished it in August 2005. The coiled juncus basket a large gigantic so-called mission basket of California is truly a masterpiece of unique, one-of-a-kind, original California Indian Native American tribal artwork.
This large coiled masterpiece Indian basket tray is constructed of undyed split juncus (tan), juncus dyed black with elderberry leaves and stems, undyed basal juncus (reddish-brown) and peeled split sumac on a bundled deergrass foundation.
The basket masterpiece is so large that it took over two days of full-time weaving for Eva Salazar to coil a single row around the juncus basket.


ABOUT Eva's Artists' Co-Op
A supply of Eva Salazar's Kumeyaay basketry masterpieces and authentic California Native American Indian crafts can be purchased from her California Native American Indian store and specialty gift shop Shumup Ko Hup in Old Town, San Diego.
Eva accepts commissioned orders for fine large custom baskets and Eva Salazar specializes in weaving traditional masterpiece Californian Indian baskets, Kumeyaay dolls, and other traditional California Indian artwork.
Indigenous Peoples of California Museums:

CALIFORNIA INDIAN BASKET MUSEUMS Kumeyaay basketry, basket makers, basket weaving photos pictures. Old and new California Indian baskets featuring the Indigenous tribal California basket weavers of the San Jose de la Zorra Kumeyaay Indians of Mexico, including picture photo documentary and information to buy and sell fine Native American Indian baskets - Kumeyaay Indian art.

KUMEYAAY DOCUMENTARIES Indigenous peoples of California Native American Indian documentary series features the Kumeyaay traditional coiled basketry of the San Jose de la Zorra Kumeyaay Indian village, Baja California, Mexico. Also, the Kumeyaay-Paipai traditional clay pottery and basketweavers of Santa Catarina Indigenous community, Baja California, Mexico. KUMEYAAY.INFO showcases the professional photography and journalistic documentation of village inhabitants Indigenous lifestyles, environmental portratis, habitations and pictures of their traditional California Native American arts and crafts - traditional Kumeyaay art and crafts.

KUMEYAAY POTTERY features the modern Kumeyaay pottery art of the Yuman Indians of Southern California, Arizona, Mexico. Our extensive photography documentation of Native American pottery artist includes online picture catalogs of their traditional and contemporary clay pottery, including environmental portraits and biographies of the pottery artists. KUMEYAAY.INFO is currently building large, captioned photographic collections of rare and old antique ancient pottery artifacts for its on-line Indigenous People of California Pottery Museum.

KUMEYAAY MUSEUMS RESEARCH Kumeyaay Artifacts. Active Fun Things to Do in San Diego to Learn about Kumeyaay Indians, Kumeyaay Artifacts, Historical Photos Pictures, History of San Diego Native Americans, local Southern California Indigenous Indian Tribes, detailed information on Kumeyaay Artifacts photos pictures, Museum Research on line on the internet.

INDIGENOUS CALIFORNIA INDIAN ART ARTISTS PORTFOLIOS, Native American Indian Art Artists photographs, pictures, movies, modern and traditional arts and crafts, including Native American Indian painters, illustrators, storytellers, storytelling, Southern California indigenous plants, artifacts and history - featuring Kumeyaay Indian art.