PICTOGRAPHS PETROGLYPHS YONISKUMEYAAY PICTOGRAPHS PETROGLYPHS cave rock art paintings drawings, Native American tribal symbols, patterns, designs, ancient Diegueno Kumeyaay grinding stones and Kumeyaay Yoni rock sculptures paint pigments at Indian Hill, Anza Borrego, California, 19NOV04. This remote desert area is a well known Kumeyaay site for Native American cave art, rock carvings and ancient artifacts relics. Archaeological evidence from major excavations in the 1950s virtually proves this area has been inhabited by California Indians for at least 6000 years, since 4000 B.C. The Northern Diegueño and Kumeyaay peoples were its most recent inhabitants. At the trurn of the 21st Century, this area is known as Indian Hill and it is located in remote San Diego County wildnerness backcountry, Anza Borrego Desert State Park. The experts estimate the surviving cave drawings pictured above are less than 500 years old. The cave, known as the Blue Sun Cave for its blue sunburst pictograph, has two different styles of pictographs which suggests use by two different cultural groups. Caption SOURCE (and more detailed information) WEBSITE © 2004 petroglyphs.us: La Rumorosa Style: San Luis Rey Style: |
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