Kumeyaay Information Village Website, Indigenous California Native American Research Education Language Culture Entertainment Including the four tribal nations indigenous to Imperial & San Diego County: Kumeyaay-Diegueno, Luiseno, Cupeno, Cahuilla
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Learn how to pronounce Kumeyaay: Ku-me-yaay Coo-me-eye Coo (like a dove ) - Me (like you and me) - Eye (like an eyeball)
LISTEN to a Kumeyaay Native speaker-linguist pronounce "KUMEYAAY"
The information and commentaries expressed on this website are those of the person(s) who produced the work, and nothing else.
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Welcome good people: I just updated most of my movies and audio clips to correct Apple's QuickTime error I put a near full resolution short version of my Necua Kumiai Fiesta documentary in .mp4 to play and download on current iOS, macOS, Android and Windows. Just CLICK HERE to play my Necua documentary if you are interested in such things ... pls go to my kumeyaay.info/movies/ page for my original free movie theater.
This website is no longer being worked on (since about 2011) it stands today in testament of a Dream or a Vision that once mattered.
Kumeyaay bands sue the University of California for the repatriation of 10,000-year-old human remains excavated from the San Diego campus grounds...

AMERICAN TRIBAL SOVEREIGNTY American indigenous tribes practiced their own forms of tribal governance for thousands of years before European intrusion and the formation of the United States federal government. The Constitution of the United States, U.S. Supreme Court, federal and state laws, as well as historical Treaties all support the tribes' present-day legal rights to self-government and certain limited forms of tribal sovereignty in America...

Top 50 Frequently Asked Questions about Native American Indian tribes "American Indian or Native American?" | "Tribe or Band?" | "Who is an American Indian?" | "What is Indian Country?" | "What is trust land?" | "What is sovereign immunity?"...

ULTRA FAMOUS Jim Thorpe (Sac and Fox tribe) voted "Athlete of the Century" in 1950 and 2000, proclaimed "The Greatest Athlete in the World" by King Gustav V at 1912 Summer Olympics...

American tribal and world wisdom...

CHIEF MEYERS (Cahuilla, Riverside, CA), 1880-1971, MLB teams played for: New York Giants, Boston Braves, Brooklyn Robins. Career batting average .291, played in four World Series (1911, 1912, 1913, 1916)....

LOS COYOTES BAND IN THE NEWS: From US government military and law enforcement contracts to $160 million off-reservation casino plan with the City of Barstow that will create thousands of new jobs in the community, the Los Coyotes band is making news headlines in Indian Country...Eagle Fire arson updates.

Geronimo Study Resource, a collection of professionally restored photographs, extended captions, and historical writings.

HISTORICAL WEB PORTAL American Indian Boarding Schools, circa 1850-present... "Kill the Indian, save the man," Capt. Richard Henry Pratt, circa 1880, Founder and long-time Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian school system.

Sacagawea (Shoshone tribe), c. 1788-1812,
Famous Guide with Lewis & Clark Expedition
 Maria Tallchief, (Osage tribe), 1925-2013,
"America's First Prima Ballerina"

Viejas Standing Together As Resilient Sisters (V*STARS) youth group rallied members of the Southern California American Indian community...professional multi-media photojournalism blog.

Col. Van T. Barfoot (ret.) WW II Medal of Honor recipient
Mr. Barfoot (Choctaw) is one of some seven American Indians to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor in the 20th century. He served in the WW2, Korean and Vietnam wars...then his neighborhood association ordered the 90-year-old American warrior to take down his flag...
KUMEYAAY Native American Indians
a branch of the Yuman Indian tribe, Hokan language group
The Kumeyaay are members of the YUMAN INDIAN TRIBE of North America whose ancestral tribal homelands include Southern California, southwest Arizona, and northwest Baja California, Mexico.
Today's first nations of aboriginal Yuman peoples of the southwestern United States of America, USA, include:
Kumeyaay (aka Kumiai, Diegueño, Ipai-Tipai, Kamia)
Cocopah (aka Cucapá, Cocopa)
Mohave aka Mojave
Paipai (aka Pai-Pai)
The Yuman peoples belong to the HOKAN LANGUAGE group.

Understanding San Diego history is all about perspective...
Here since 10000 BC an editorial perspective, timeline and Kumeyaay history essay about San Diego's original native people 600 generations in San Diego!

The 12 American Kumeyaay bands are "federally-recognized" American Indian tribes. As such, the U.S. government sees the Kumeyaay tribe as 12 individual bands as "sovereign nations" and interacts with the bands individually on a government-to-government basis.
Further, the 13 Kumeyaay Indian reservations in the County of San Diego are considered "sovereign land."
Sovereign American Indian tribal governments also benefit from a basic legal term called "sovereign immunity" that non-Indians should be aware of if they visit an Indian reservation, Indian casino, resort or do business with a sovereign American tribe.
What many people may not realize about "tribal sovereignty" in the USA is it legally exempts federally-recognized American Indian tribes and their tribal lands from many of the local, city, state, federal and international laws and regulations, including some types of taxes, permits and zoning issues that strictly govern most non-Indians, their communities and businesses....
With this letter we wish to communicate that: 1) Kosa’aay (Cosoy) was the 1769 Birthplace of California and lies within the Old Town Community; 2) At this site in August, 1769 was the first instance of organized First-Nations resistance against European Colonization on the U.S. Pacific Coast; 3) The Old Town Community Plan identifies history and historic sites as the primary economic resource of their community, 4) Heritage tourist sites, developed in San Diego have great economic success; and, 5) The Mission Valley Community Plan covets this Old Town historic site for their circulation element. 6) The foremost potential for growth for Old Town’s future is the interpretation of 1769 Kosa’aay-California’s Birthplace; therefore, 7) The Public Lands North of Taylor Street and East of Morena Boulevard should be culturally protected and historically interpreted for the benefit of the Old Town Community, San Diego, California and the USA....
Howka - Miiyu - Hello! |
The Kumeyaay Information Village website has turned SEVEN YEARS OLD (June 2011) and is hopefully proving itself useful to the community.
If you have an interest in becoming actively involved with or a sponsor of this not-for-profit California Indian Web site, please click on Contribute and work with us to build one of the best Native American websites on the internet, a KUMEYAAY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT Web portal as rich in meaningful information and facts about California Indians by way of beautiful professional photography, incredible original images of tribal art, film, videos and photojournalism.
We attempt to weave Native American storytelling through creative web graphics and showcase our large on-line library of exclusive original content featuring American Indian museum galleries that are as much about finding quality research sources as they are about having fun and family entertainment the Kumeyaay way.
Hopefully, our visitors will discover a gold mine of basic information and historical facts to learn about California's first nations, including their community, social services and educational resources. Here visitors and study early California history, its ancient aboriginal and modern indigenous peoples and their ageless Indian cultures, plants, herbs, lifestyles, opinions, tribal genealogy. Our website specializes in ethnography ethnobotany and anthropology of the Diegueño Kumeyaay and Native American Indian tribes of CALIF and northern Baja CA, Baja Norte, Mexico.
KUMEWAAY.INFO builds and maintains this virtual tribal village environment free of tribal and political agendas, and generally does not involve its opinions, content or guests with online Internet gambling casino issues, legal or political debates, or inter-Indian government tribal sovereignty, inter-tribal, inter-band politics, or Native American religion and spiritual subjects.
We do seek to present an unbiased, balanced perspective about Indian tribal gaming compacts with the state of California, federal government, Native American casino gaming arguments and American gambling politics that affect the Native American peoples.
We try to understand and define the questions: Who are yesterday's and today's California Native American peoples? And what are the important issues that affect their futures?
The Kumeyaay tribe of Southern California today consist of approximately 12 federally-recognized Kumeyaay bands, and 13 sovereign Kumeyaay Indian reservations. The Kumeyaay tribe is commonly referred to as the Mission Indians of Southern California, Mission Indians of San Diego County and Imperial County, California Mission Indians, Southern Diegueno Indians, Ipai-Tipai and Iipay Tipay Indians, Native American Indians of Southern California, Kumeyaay tribal governments.
The individual Kumeyaay bands in a non alphabetical index include:
- Campo Kumeyaay Nation aka Campo Band of the Kumeyaay Nation
- Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians
- Barona Band of Mission Indians
- San Pasqual Band of Indians
- La Posta Band of Mission Indians
- Mesa Grande Band of Mission Indians
- Inaja Cosmit Indian Reservation
- Capitan Grande Band of Diegueño Mission Indians
- Manzanita Band of the Kumeyaay Nation
- Jamul Indian Village - A Kumeyaay Nation
- Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel aka Santa Ysabel Band of Diegueño Indians
- Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians aka Cuyapaipe
- Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation
Please see our informative KUMEYAAY GUIDE for a cultural brief, including Kumeyaay maps, contact info, official Kumeyaay tribal websites.
LA NACION KUMIAI, Baja California, Mexico |
Kumeyaay Kumiai Indian community ejidos, tribal Indian villages of northwest B.C. Mexico, features extensive professional photojournalistic TRIBAL DOCUMENTARIES, movie videos, people, lifestyle, habitation, art:
- Juntas de Neji
- San Jose de la Zorra
- San Antonio Necua
- La Huerta
- Santa Catarina (Pai-Pai Kumiai)

Citlalli Salazar, Kumiai, a young 18-year-old Native girl models an antique Southern California Indian basket hat (probably desert Cahuilla art) her tribal village, San Jose de la Zorra, landscape is pictured in background, a rare old polychrome Kumeyaay clay pot is to right.

KUMIAI DE BAJA CALIF MEXICO en Español Kumiais una cultura en riesgo de extinsión, Acerca de los indigenas Kumiai, Geografia, Sistema Politico, Origenes lingüisticos, Programas de Trabajo, Consejo, Acerca de los indigenas Kumiai, Gobernadora Kumiai, Origenes lingüisticos y mucho mas...
What Native American Indian tribes are indigenous to San Diego County?
There are four aboriginal tribal groups considered indigenous to San Diego County:
- Cahuilla Indians
- Cupeño Indians
- Kumeyaay-Diegueño-Ipay-Tipay Indians
- Luiseño Indians
California has the second largest Native American population in the United States, including some 109 federally-recognized Indian tribal bands desert, mountain, inland, valley, coastal, river tribes.
And with some 19 California Indian reservations, San Diego County has more federally-recognized Native American Indian reservations than any other county in the United States, including 18 sovereign tribal governments, and some 17,000 tribal members living both on and off reservations.
If you are visiting beautiful San Diego, you are definitely in Indian Country!

Maps of the Southern California Indian tribal reservations, including direct links to their official tribal websites.
The Cahuilla Indian people are considered an indigenous tribe of the County of San Diego, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Cochella Valley. For some 2,000 years, Cahuilla ancestral homelands historically included an area of about 2,400 square miles in the heart of Southern California. The tribe's northern border area was the San Bernardino Mountains, to the south by the Chocolate Mountains and Borrego Springs. The Colorado Desert to the east, and west by the San Jacinto Plain and the eastern slopes of the Palomar Mountains.
Today's Southern California Chauilla tribal bands include:
- Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Palm Springs
- Augustine Reservation, Thermal
- Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, Indio
- Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians, Hemet
- Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeño Indians, Warner Springs
- Morongo Band of Mission Indians, Banning
- Ramona Band of Cahuilla Indians, Riverside
- Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians, Hemet
- Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians, Thermal
The Luiseño Indian tribe is comprised of six federally-recognized tribal bands in Southern California.
Considered an indigenous tribe of the County of San Diego, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County.
Today's Southern California Chauilla Indian bands include:
- Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians, San Jacinto
- Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians, Valley Center
- Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians, Temecula
- Pauma Band of Luiseño Indians, Pauma Valley
- Pala Band of Mission Indians, Pala
- La Jolla Band of Luiseño Indians, Pauma Valley
"The Indian Casino Capital of the World!"
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INDIAN GAMBLING CASINOS Tribal Sovereignty and Internet Gambling Rights | History of Indian Gaming in the US | MAP of All Best Southern California Indian Casinos | FAQ | History:

Click on our casino map for a COMPLETE INDEX LISTING GUIDE to all the best San Diego County Indian casinos, resorts, hotels, restaurants, golf courses and their official gambling websites, an alphabetical index, including successful Cahuilla, Luiseño, Mission and Kumeyaay-owned Native American owned tribal businesses:
- Agua Caliente Casino Resort Spa, golf
- Augustine Casino
- Barona Valley Ranch aka Barona Casino, golf
- Barstow Casino Resort, Los Coyotes band (in planning stage)
- Cahuilla Casino
- Casino Pauma
- Cocopah Resort Casino & Conference Center
- Fantasy Springs Resort Casino
- Golden Acorn Casino
- Harrah's Rincon Casino and Resort
- Jamul Casino (in planning stage)
- La Jolla Casino (in planning stage)
- La Posta Casino (closed Oct. 2012)
- Morongo Resort Spa, golf
- Pala Casino Spa and Resort aka Pauma Casino
- Pechanga Resort Casino
- Red Earth Casino
- San Manuel Indian Bingo Casino
- Santa Ysabel Resort and Casino (closed Feb. 2014)
- Soboba Casino, Country Club at Soboba Springs, golfing
- Spotlight 29 Casino
- Sycuan Resort and Casino aka Sycuan Casino, golf
- Valley View Casino
- Viejas Casino
Indian gaming across the US as an industry brings in around $26.5 billion a year, and generates more than 400,000 jobs about 75 percent of those jobs are held by non-Indians (National Indian Gaming Commission website, 2011).
I AM AFRAID I MAY HAVE MESSED MY INFORMATION UP about the Shoshone Indians (maybe one day someone who actually knows what s/he is talking about can fix it...):
SHOSHONEAN INDIANS are another major language group of California tribes in Southern California.
The aboriginal Alta California Shoshonean or Shoshone tribes include:
- Luiseño Luiseno-Kawia
- Juaneño Juaneno
- Cahuilla
- Gabrielino
- Chemehuevi
- Serrano
The Southern California Indian reservations of the Shoshonean bands include:
- La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians
- Pala Band of Mission Indians
- Rincon San Luiseno Band of Mission Indians aka Rincon Nation of Luiseño Indians
- Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians
- Pauma Yuima Band of Mission Indians
- Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla Cupeño Indians
- Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians
- San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
- Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians
- San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians
This website is parked as of February 2, 2011, and will no longer be aggressively updated or maintained please feel free to read my OPEN LETTER to prospective sponsors if you are interested in such things. |
that you are legally bound to read, understand and agree to in order to use the KUMEYAAY.INFO web site. Because our terms and conditions are subject to change without notice, our on-line User Agreement contains the current terms and conditions that govern your use of this web site, and you, as a party to the agreement, are responsible for reading, understanding, agreeing to, and adhering to the KUMEYAAY.INFO User Agreement prior to your use of this web site.